Monday, February 16, 2009

The economy

Britain's fallen star

Feb 12th 2009 | LONDON AND SWINDON
The Economist print edition

The news goes from bad to ghastly. How awful are Britain’s economic prospects?

The article talks about Britain's recession. The British economy had appeared to be a well-run economy, expanding steadily for 16 years without inflationary strains, now looks a Heath Robinson affair. The recession was fuelled by debt both public and private and involved a star role for City bankers currently vilified for their excesses. Gordon Brown’s boast of ending boom and bust has returned to haunt the prime minister. The recession has led to people being laid off work because the companies cannot afford to keep their employees. Employees are now wondering what to do without their jobs.

Seasonal Unemployment

Now that Britain is in a recession and employees are being laid off with nothing to do. The employees should look for part-time jobs that will give them a source of income. Even thought you get a job in a field that does not interest you, you hold onto it before you find a new job in your field of interest. This will help you create a network and will add to your list of references. This will also show you interviewer that you are hard working. Even when you do not like the job you are considering, apply and get an interview. You should make sure that you dress and have the same attitude as one that you would have when you are going to an interview of a job that is of interest to you. This might lead you to a job of your dreams in the same company if you prove to be a good employee. 

1 comment:

  1. It's obviously to say that recession is one of the factors of having a stronger impact on job layoffs, but there should be some kind of reassurance that the company that people work is insured to survive during a recession without it shutting down in the end.So in the case of employees having to layoff jobs, a company about to become shutdown would have employees jobless permenantly instead. I think that during recession having to ask for severence benefits would come in handy during recession. Every company had different policies, but it can't hurt to ask about your options.Other options to survive is to scope out potential jobs before hand, when you know a recession is approaching.
